Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I've never felt so much peace, than when he was sitting with me. Not saying a word, just being there. My Uncle Mike knew that my Aunt Laura's passing was hard on me and I felt like he made it his responsibility to make me feel as safe (I can't think of another word for it) as possible. Of course it was hard on all of us, she was 41 and had just come back to us. But he knew, and made sure I knew.

He's going through an unbelievable battle right now and, from what I hear, is being kept as comfortable as possible. No one is ever ready for anyone to die, it's just that from the time I heard he had cancer I assumed he would beat it. I always assumed he would just be there, just like he always has been. They've called hospice, which means he's stopped treatment. I think I'm too sad to try to process what's happening, what this might mean for my mom, Uncle Dave and my Grandpa, and for Amy, Ian, Conner, Somer and Corey... for all of us.

1 comment:

HollyMom said...

Oh, Beth, I'm so saddened to realize the depth of your Uncle Mike's struggle. Please know we're with you in thought as you - and all the family - go through this difficult time. Is there anything I can do to help?
Love you -