Monday, March 7, 2011

First haircuts!

Grandmas' and Papas' are the best! We’re lucky, we have four of them, well the boys do anyway. This time I’m specifically talking about my parents – they joined our haircut party! J Papa hadn’t seen the boys in over two weeks and he hears about them all the time from Grandma so that’s just too long – I think it’s like an itch… ew, hopefully not, but anyway, they joined our party. Thankfully they did too, two 15 month olds in a salon full of pretty women trying to do their thang is very busy! Especially when Daddy is getting his hairs cut too. Daddy tried to get pictures, but it was really crowded in there, babies needed attention, etc… so I asked Grandma for her pictures so I could fulfill the requests of their first cuttings.. there were quite a few!

A disclaimer first though, it was a bang trim… notice I still refer to my 15 month olds as babies. Simon has the prettiest curls in the back and how do I do unto one and not the other (not that Elliott's hair isn't pretty, but whatever), whether it be ‘not getting the whole thing done’ or ‘getting all of it cut’, you decide, if you must. But mom wasn’t ready, so that’s the bottom line… always, isn’t it? ;)

So Grandma sent pictures! I got a message on my Facebook saying she had 'sent 7 to underwaterdaisy'...

But I thought she meant 7 pictures, I thought “well it was crowded in there, they probably got 7 good ones, that’s more than I have!” But no, she meant 7 emails, full of pictures! J And my mom is not a morning person, unless you’re talking the earliest of morning hours… she’s so cute I have to share some of the emails:

Subject: haircut 1
Date: Monday, March 7, 2011, 12:41 AM

Here's the first haircut pics

Subject: pictures 3
Date: Monday, March 7, 2011, 12:48 AM

This is taking a while - big files

Subject: pictures 6
Date: Monday, March 7, 2011, 1:00 AM

one more

Subject: pictures last
Date: Monday, March 7, 2011, 1:04 AM

Hi Beth

Lots of pics. I couldn't decide so sent most of them. Time for bed.

Love, Mom

She’s the best! OK, onto the good stuff, those photos!

At first I was a little put off that we got there and it seemed like were in the chair right away, I didn't even know her name. We were going to a new place that a friend recommended and I'm glad with they choice. It's a cute place and she did a great job. Turns out, she's probably had some experience with first haircuts!

I don't think Simon even knew she was doing anything at all until were part way through...

He spent the first bit smiling at Papa taking his picture, then he decided he wasn't sure he liked what she was doing...

He sure did give her his signature "I'm not happy with what you just did and I want to be sure you know it" look...
So sweet!

Elliott had the chance to watch Simon, so he started out a little shy and true to form, curious...

He was definitely more wiggly, and his bangs now support that statement...

Then he was done too...

Daddy had his turn then too... I don't know if you can tell, but he's not thrilled about sharing in the picture posing ;)

While the boys explored...
Do you think E is hiding his haircut?

I think they're both just too busy!

What do you mean Grandma, I'm not SUPPOSED to stand on this?!

Papa, trying his best to keep E busy...

Momma and S had found the stairs, which believe it or not were the safest option as far as least breakables and best option to be out of the way

So Papa and E joined :)

I'm SO glad that my parents met us, I don't know what I would have done with glass shelves, not to mention wrangling one boy while I held the other, AND had pictures! So while they weren't first WHOLE-haircuts, it was their first cutting of hairs and I'm documenting it as such! :) I don't think it'll be long before we go back for the rest though, but at least now they can see without it in their faces.

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